January 20, 2025

How to add an entry to the Microsoft Windows hosts file

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Just putting these here in my blog for my notes. :) Steps: Open Notepad as Administrator: Press the Windows key, type Notepad, then right-click on Notepad and select Run as administrator. You must have administrator privileges to edit the hosts file. Locate the Hosts File: ...
September 22, 2024

5 Fun Ways to Encourage Children to Help in the Kitchen

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Photo by Annie Spratt on UnsplashNow is the best time to teach your children how to work around the kitchen. Learning how to prepare and cook food is an invaluable skill. It will become handy when they go to college or become adults. It can be daunting at first, but you can always find ways to motivate...
December 22, 2023

The Benefits of an Online Knowledge Base for Your Business

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If you’ve been on any large company’s website, then there’s a good chance that they have a knowledge base on it. These are basically repositories of information relating to the business and its products or services. For instance, if you buy a pair of headphones from a company, then there’s a good chance...
August 15, 2023

5 HR Tasks Worth Outsourcing

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Pixabay. CCO Licensed.One of the most time-consuming areas of admin when running a business is Human Resources. While many large companies end up hiring HR staff to take over this area, the majority of small business owners cannot afford to designate employees for this role. Fortunately, there is still...
June 27, 2023

3 Modern Ways to Boost Your Kids' Study Skills

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Pixabay - CC0 LicenseAs children get older there are so many things that parents need to consider to keep them on the straight and narrow path when it comes to that F word: future. Maybe they're starting to think of careers that they may be suitable for, but there's also the fact that exams are incredibly...
June 16, 2023

5 Simple Ways To Teach A Child To Care For The Environment

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Caring for the environment is every human being’s responsibility. However, not all of us are up for it. It’s no wonder our planet is not in the best shape. Imagine if all businessmen were conscious of their product’s impact on the environment. Or if all politicians took Mother Nature into consideration...
April 04, 2023

Protecting Your Data - Tips to Avoid a Breach

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A data breach happens when sensitive personal information is stolen or exposed. It can cause problems for companies and individuals alike.Fortunately, you can help protect your personal information and avoid becoming a data breach victim. In this article, we'll discuss tips to help...
March 14, 2023

How To Organize Your Desktop Files For Professional Purposes

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Pexels - CC0 LicenseIt’s easy to take it all for granted these days, but basic computer literacy skills are not always the most obvious, and not everyone is fully skilled in them. This is understandable, and even well-worn professionals will need refreshers on matters like cybersecurity practice from...
January 25, 2023

5 Bathroom Problems You Should Never Ignore

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Pexels. CCO Licensed.There are some bathroom repairs that can be delayed, however there are others that you don’t want to put off. Below are just some of the bathroom problems that could require immediate repairs. Blocked toilet A blocked toilet is pretty hard to ignore - especially if you...
January 24, 2023

5 Great Reasons to Buy Real Estate Overseas

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PixabayBuying property in a foreign country is a great idea, and not just because you have a holiday home to go to if you want to soak up the sun and get your tan on. It’s also a fantastic investment that can serve as a lucrative asset well into the future. Although buying a second home is an expensive...
January 10, 2023

5 Realistic Goals for Moving Abroad

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There is something about the allure of moving to a new country that makes your imagination run wild. You think of all the amazing things you will be doing, the new friends you will make, and the incredible experiences you will have. While it is definitely possible to achieve all of these things when...
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